Younger Children (ages 4-6)
For younger children, we offer individual lessons or classes of preparation for an instrument / introduction to music.
These are given by our instrumental teachers who have both experience and a love for working with children.
Our emphasis is on passing on knowledge in a very fun way, and giving attention to the development of each and every child.
For these ages we offer the following:
● Introduction to music/keyboard
● Introduction to violin
Children (ages 6-12)
Children of these ages can have Individual or Group lessons
(from introductory / beginner's level) on the following instruments:
● Piano, Recorder, Violin, Cello
We want children to enjoy the experience and feel proud for playing an instrument!
Lessons can be given in Dutch, English and in some cases additional languages as well, for those who wish to combine instrumental studies with the added value of speaking another language. (However, we are not a language school, so our focus always remains first and foremost on the music).
Children who are interested in Renaissance and Baroque Music can choose to study a period instrument (see instrument page).
Another special option the school offers is piano studies that introduce and combine early keyboard instruments (clavichord, harpsichord). The touch of early keyboard instruments is much lighter than piano, and actually better for children's hands!
If you are interested in lessons for your child, contact us for advice. If you would like your child to study an instrument but do not have one in your possession, the School can help you by presenting options for renting or buying an instrument.
Ensemble Class / Orchestra*
A fun way of playing with friends in small groups comprising of various instruments.
Your child gets a chance to learn how to cooperate, listen to others and develop his or her attention, in a positive and supportive atmosphere, as well as the added value of playing beautiful repertoire and learning about its background.
* The orchestra can include instruments that are not taught at Pegasus School - however there is limited space, therefore participation is subject to availability.
If you would like to enquire about your child joining the orchestra, please phone us.
We also offer a class of Music History for children upon request.

Parents Say... (original letters kept at the School archive)
-introduction to violin and piano-
"Dear Hila:
Thank you for introducing my daughters to your music school.
One of my daughters had played the violin before but had struggled to find the right sort of teacher; it seems with your school we have been blessed with a much better fit in Jiska! As a result my daughter has accelerated her focus and really enjoys violin much more than before. My other daughter struggled to find her niche with music. Your piano lessons, which are so customized to her particular personality, have been a fantastic experience for her; she has been allowed to explore music in a way that does not create pressure, only pleasure.
Thank you again,
Elizabeth G."
-introduction to harpsichord-
"I had the privilege to be present at every harpsichord lesson that Hila gave my 8-year-old daughter. What I see exceeds my expectations. I have had some experience with several music teachers, both for myself (clarinet) and for my children (including piano). However, I have never experienced what I see Hila doing. She speaks directly to both the heart of my daughter and the heart of the music, and connects them to one another. Building on this connection, she develops each and every facet of the music, including hearing, rhythm and playing together. Reading notes is addressed of course, but differently than what I’m used to this is not an agony, but a natural element of making music.
J. J. van Beele"
(translated from Dutch; For the original text press here)